Thursday, October 16, 2008

Still no Baby

Sorry folks... still no Charlie. It is getting a bit harder to move every day but, other than that, no significant changes. Although today would be a good day as he would share a birthday with Oscar Wilde, Eugene O'Neil and Angela Lansbury.

Still, better to share a birthday with Gramma Cheryl. I'll have to look up who else was born on the 19th.

I must say that I love you all for caring but... stop giving us advise on how to induce labor!!! We have heard it all and believe none of it!!! Apparently pumping is the only thing that has been scientifically proven to work (occasionally) and, I don't have a pump yet. Walking, sex, driving down bumpy roads, drinking mineral oil.... none of these things produce oxitocin and, without that, no labor... sorry. We will all have to be patient... it can't be more than three or four days now so, relax, have a cup of tea and be glad you're not the one hobbling around looking like Tweedle-Dee without the suspenders.
Take care everyone. The Tweedles love you for checking in. (No, Dennis' belly isn't quite Tweedle size yet but, he is working on it).


Nancy Cook said...

I think that the best (albeit,unsolicited) advice that I can give you guys, is to play more solitaire, take a walk, a hot bath, bake a cake, watch a movie, read a book...basically, do all those relaxing things that you like to do now, because once Charlie gets here your life is going to change (for the better) a lot...and fitting in all those relaxing, personal things you have time to do now is going to take some extra effort.

Nancy Cook said...

Oh, by the way...Beware. If you think you are getting lots of annoying, unsolicited advice now..just wait until after Charlie arrives! You will have people who haven't had babies since the great depression- and (my personal favorite) people who have never had babies - telling you how to parent. People mean well, but ultimately, no one will know what works with Charlie better than you. I will do my best not to supply my opinion unless asked, although you know my kid turned out almost perfect so, if you ever want to know my secrets of fabulous parenting...I will supply this information for just a small fee.

Dennis Vander Houwen said...

Dennis here..

Thanks sis.

I'll get back to you on the child rearing philosophies later I suppose. Technically speaking our younger sister PJ has more experience by volume...
Jake is a good kid. We'll see how well he does with his decision making over the next few months.
Finally, Don't I get a family discount for your advice? Do you offer a money back satisfaction guarantee?