Monday, November 3, 2008

Mom's Version

After fifteen days I finally have found a few free minutes to sit down at the computer. It is about time you all heard from Mom. Charlie is amazing. He has the most wonderfully goofy little expressions and he is a doll. I think he will look like Dennis with my roman nose and lips and, I like to believe that behind that strong Goodman brow there might be genius lurking.

Being a mom is all that I hoped it would be and yet nothing that I expected. Who knew that I would be so crazy possessive and protective. I have had some very emotional moments and sometimes I don't even know what the emotion is. Poor Dennis. It has been hard for him to figure out how to deal with me... I'm not sure that I am the same person I was sixteen days ago so, the rules have changed. I know that only other moms are going to really understand that comment but, at the same time, I think that every mom's experience is different. Charlie has had so many visitors and he, Dennis and I have received so much help and support. I can not fathom doing this without our families, our neighbors, our friends and, most importantly, each other. For those of you who have raised kids alone... I have a whole new level of respect!

If you are only reading Dennis' version of the last few weeks one would think that life is perfect at the Vander Houwen house. We have the perfect baby (and we really do), the perfect relationship, we had the perfect delivery and, we have all the help we could ever need. In reality, that is pretty near accurate. I do, however, have a few comments that need to be added. I was amazed with my OB and my recovery has been much smoother and faster than I ever would have hoped but... oh my G-d!- the actually surgery was bad. PAIN! The anesthetic wasn't really doing all it was supposed to, my blood pressure spiked and, they knocked me out as soon as Charlie was out. I will say that ten minutes of the worst pain I've ever felt is still a whole lot better than 36 hours of it! Also, Charlie, as perfect as he is, is a big baby with a big appetite. Keeping him satisfied is not easy. All I had heard was that your nipples become soar if your baby doesn't latch correctly. No one said that you're going to be in lots of pain no matter what... (dreaming of piranhas). Breastfeeding is not fun. I imaging that this will change and Charlie and I will gradually get on track but, for now, keeping him happy is a painful and exhausting task. I am a long way from giving up on breastfeeding but, I now understand why so many women do.
On that note... Charlie is hungry so, I must go (no, I am not making that up).
Just for the record... my favorite picture thus far is the one of Charlie in the laundry basket. I think that this is because he was sleeping for a long enough stretch that I was able to accomplish something... even if it was just the laundry!


Self Care Girl said...
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Nancy Cook said...

I fully agree with your comment about motherhood being all that you hoped, but nothing that you expected. I remember thinking the exact thing after Jake was born and just being in awe of him and myself for having him!

He is beautiful Michelle- a good mix of the two of you.