Monday, November 17, 2008

Letter to Santa

For my first Christmas please deliver stuff that will help me learn. There is so much stuff that I don't understand yet and my parents just talk jibberish all the time. I have shelves full of books and drawers full of clothes and Mom and Dad seem to have been pretty well prepared for my arrival so I don't think that there is anything I NEED. I hear that I'll have to start eating different food in a few months... maybe there are some things that would help with that? I do like toys but my daddy hates plastic... he says that it is bad for the planet. I don't know what plastic is but maybe it would be better to avoid it so Dad stays happy. He is lots of fun when he is happy!

Mom and Dad said that we are going to start making some stuff for you to deliver for us if you have room in the sleigh. Dad doesn't want me to think that the holidays are just about 'getting'. He says that it is more important to give and he seems pretty smart so I guess that I'll listen to him. Dad sure does have lots of opinions!

More than anything I would like it if you could bring Mom and Dad some REM sleep and please bring Dalai a warm coat and some treats. Pogue wants me to let you know that he would like to be allowed upstairs again but I don't think Mom and Dad will let him... even if YOU ask them.

Thanks for thinking of us Santa... even if Mom is Jewish!
I promise that I have been good (Mom says I've been 'great' but I don't want to sound too cocky).

Charlie Vander Houwen
The weird house with the green brick chimney
Bates Ave., Denver

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