Saturday, August 16, 2008

It's cold and rainy and I'm stuck in flip-flops

I am finally sitting down to write something so that my hippo photo isn't the first thing you see when you open this blog. It is Saturday evening the 16Th and we will be at 32 weeks on Tuesday. Less than two months until our due date. Charlie seems to be doing well. We are learning more and more about him (well, babies in general) every day. Last weekend we learned that a newborn's stomach is only the size of a small marble for the first few weeks. Amazing!
After our heat wave a few weeks ago it is a great relief to tell you that Denver has been cold and rainy for the past few days. Charlie, Dennis and I went to the zoo yesterday morning and had a very nice, although cold and soggy, time (since my feet have been puffy the only shoes that fit are my flip-flops - just a little uncomfortable considering the weather). It is fun to watch all the other families and imagine what Charlie will be like. What kind of personality will he have? I'm sure that with the frequent visits to the zoo with his grandma, Charlie will have the whole place committed to memory by the age of two. One of his first lessons will be how to tell the difference between an African Wild Dog and a Hyena if Dennis has anything to do with it.
I hope that you have all enjoyed the pictures of Charlie and me on this blog. Considering that we are still two months out, and already I look like a hippo, they may be the only pictures you get.
Take care everyone. Charlie sends his love.

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