Sunday, March 8, 2009

Weekly Milestones

After a few weeks of working at least forty hours I am really starting to miss my boy. When I do spend 'quality' time with him I am noticing that he is growing by leaps and bounds while I'm not looking. Since I am not seeing all the little struggles in between the accomplishments those accomplishments seem to be coming one right after the other. In response to this I have decided to start keeping better track of each week's milestones. This way I'm a bit less likely to wake up one morning to Charlie walking and talking totally unsure of how he got there.

So, here is my new list of weekly categories (inspired by facebook)...

Charlie's lesson of the week:
Walls and coffee tables can not be pushed out of the way - no matter how hard you grunt. If you roll into one of these objects you are stuck... crying is your only option. (Charlie has not yet figured out that he can just roll back the way he came)

Parental lesson of the week:
When taking Charlie out it is best to pack enough diapers. Otherwise you might have to buy some cheap ones from Rite Aide... after the first blowout you will understand why it is best to buy the name brands.

Most memorable adventure this week:
There were a bunch of notable adventures this week....
Charlie got to meet our friend Rodona Fields, spit up at Kelley Forrester and beat Kelley and her beau Craig at Trivial Pursuit all in one fun filled evening. He took Dennis and I to the zoo where we met Grandma and he insisted on having a bit of lunch by Duck Lake. And, Charlie had to get all bundled up for a trip up the hill to watch me paint some offices in Evergreen.

Moment we could only get away with because Charlie couldn't stop us:
My parents and I singing a rousing rendition of Aiken Drum after dinner on Thursday night.

Simple moment of the week:
Watching Charlie discover what splashing in the tub is all about... FUN, FUN, FUN!!!

Scariest or most frustrating moment this week:
My learning that no matter how much I want to be with Charlie, taking him with me to work is a bad idea. Better that I get the work done in half the time and come home to hold him. Big time bummer!!!

Deep thoughts of the week (by Charlie):
Does my bunny taste better than the caterpillar or does the caterpillar taste better than the bunny?...or perhaps the moose is best.

Photo of the week:


Nancy Cook said...

I like this format, as long as you always attach a photo. 18 days til your visit!

Unknown said...

yahooooooooooo 18 days. and we can snuggle with him..Kiss him, & change a few diapers too.. Oh yeah you guys are coming too.. and we are looking forward to that too.. I am so glad you willbe keeping us updated here.,
Love you all

Mommabear54 said...

I love the updates, I know what you mean, when your not right there every day you really see the changes that he goes through- I really can't wait-