Friday, January 23, 2009

Cutie Pie

This is a pic that Dennis took yesterday and, apparently, photo-shopped today while I was working. I love it so I thought I would post it and let you love it too.

Charlie is doing very well. I just looked up some 'developmental milestones' on line and I have decided that my boy is way ahead of schedule... of course, I'm a bit biased. He is now officially in 6 month clothing (the second big basket of clothes just made it's way over to little Nicholas Campbell - Chris' five week old son). I reorganized Charlie's closet and I'm a bit worried.. all his 9 month stuff is for summer. I think he might outgrow it before the weather really warms up. Oh well. I foresee more trips to ARC and Goodwill in my future.

Must sign off and go change a diaper... Prince Charles calls...


Unknown said...

He gets more handsome every day... And I am too biassed! Kiss him for me.. Keep those adorable pictures coming.. and give his daddy a hug too..
Gramma Cheryl

Mommabear54 said...

I am not biassed- he is too cute. Facts are facts. The world is round. Denver is too far away from Moxee, and Charlie is cute.
Kiss him for me.
Love Auntie Pj