Friday, May 15, 2009

up to Steamboat for the Weekend

I wanted to quickly post some photos since I have a minute and Charlie hasn't given Dennis much time to get to it this week.

Two of these photos have little to do with Charlie except that they are proof of his Dad's photography talents... which he might be lucky enough to have inherited.
The final shot here is the long awaited one of my dad playing the guitar for Charlie. He was singing a song he used to sing to Karen and I. While he was singing Dennis and Karen were in the kitchen making crepes!!! Lucky moms.
Thanks Dad! Great Mom's day gift!
And thank you Karen for letting us come up and enjoy your sunny porch (and for the super cool organic gardening book).


Karen Goodman said...

LOVE IT!!!! :-)

Nancy Cook said...

I think he is the poster child for "cute".

Unknown said...

Absolutely Love it... and He is the cutest baby ever... I miss him so much... & yeah Dennis & michelle too... I am waiting for my photographer son to send me the Barn portfolio so I can Print a few for the empty wall space I have.. Good Job Dennis!