Monday, December 15, 2008

Finally we are getting around to posting some new photos of our brilliantly cute boy!!!
Charlie is now eight weeks old and is already weighing in at 14.5 pounds. Some of his 3-6 month outfits are already a bit snug but the 6 month stuff is still a bit big. These are all head shots so it is hard to tell how big he is but if it weren't for his bobble head and his inability to sit up one would think that he was four or five months old.
However, with a big body comes a big stomach - yeah!!! Charlie slept for almost six hours straight the other night. I think that it will be awhile before this happens regularly but it is a great relief to know that he is already well on his way to sleeping through the night. We are VERY lucky.
Generally Charlie is still an extremely happy kid. He has had a few 'colicky' evenings this week. But, since he is an absolute angel 95% of the time he can have a bit of a meltdown now and again - we don't mind.
I have to keep this post short as there are many holiday gifts to be finished, wrapped and mailed but, enjoy the pictures.
Charlie sends his love!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

He has changed so much... in just 12 days! I cannot tell who he looks like. A bit of Pat and even Michelles sister Karen, He doesn't look a lot like you Dennis at this time. I remember those pictures of you chasing DC the cat and There may be a bit of resemblence.. but you were older than he is now.. Give him agreat big Hug & kisses from me.. I can't imagine what he will look like when I see him next. Keep warm and keep his tummy full.. Love Mom oxox